Flag of Honduras,The Republic of Honduras

National Flag
Honduras national flag,horizontally striped blue-white-blue national flag with five central blue stars. The width-to-length ratio of the flag is 1 to 2.
Adopted on: March 7, 1866 Proportion: 1:2 Country: Honduras
The national flag is rectangular and the ratio of length to width is 2:1. From top to bottom, the flag is composed of three parallel equal rectangles of blue, white and blue. Five blue five pointed stars are arranged in the center of the white rectangle. The color of the national flag comes from the color of the original Central American federal flag. The wide blue bars above and below symbolize the Pacific and the Caribbean respectively, and the white bar symbolizes the pursuit of peace. The five pentagons expressed the hope that the five countries of the Central American Federation would once again realize their desire to unite.

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